Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A Sales Model Answers the Basic Questions Involved in Selling Your Product
Sales Model:
A sales model answers the basic questions involved in selling your product: “Is this a revenue play or a freemium model going for users? Something else? Who’s the customer? Who influences a sale? Who recommends a sale? Who is the decision maker? Who is the economic buyer? Where is the budget for purchasing the type of product you’re selling? What’s the customer acquisition cost? What’s the lead and/or traffic generation strategy? How long does an average sale take from beginning to end? Etc.”...Steve Blank
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Why A New Company Needs to Test a Series of Hypothesis First
A new company needs to test a series of hypothesis before it can successfully find a repeatable and scalable sales model. For startups in a new or resgemented market, these are not merely execution activities, they are learning and discovery activities that are critical to the company’s success or failure. Steve Blank
Monday, October 4, 2010
Small Business Owners: Build a Process Driven, Not a Founder Driven Business
The value of a small business goes up in accordance to how efficiently it operates and how financially transparent it is. Its value grows as well, when an owner-manager becomes less central to its daily operations. Therefore, the key to building a valuable business is to remove yourself from the daily operations.